Monday, September 18, 2006

Space tourisim,Will MaRs BE FAr Away@@@

ya Anoushka Ansari,The first Iranian American is well on the way ,ya she left on 4.30 Am Gmt for Soyuz sapce capsule.To become the first Female space tousrist in the world.

In 1969 when Neil Armstrong,Jumped on the moon with his Space suit on the rocky mountains of moon,He proclaimed A Small Step for me,a giant step for mankind.Hardly would have one day thought that people would be touring the space for a vacation in the next 30 years.
Ya the world has changed a lot in the last 37 years.

Americans have become richest people in the world.Thanks to the globalization,which have helped them to sell their Coloas ,Pizza Huts,accompanied by the Star Bucks and McDonalds.Money have been poring into their pockets from day one.Thanks to industrilisation in the 1900's they are far better off than the other countries in terms of Technology, Education, Wealth and will Crime be far away.Of course..

People who made money during the Dot com Bust and where intelligent enough to sell their shares before Buble burst have loads and loads of money in their pockets.

What can u do if u are worth more than $ 200 million.There is money still left even if u have bought a $100 million jet,$10 million House,$1 million Car,$1,00,000 worth of accesories.

It is amazing that people can go to any lengths to spend their money,and space tourisim is one crab in the basket.Ya i want to say that ya u have the right to spend ur hard earned money(pun intended) in whatever way u please.But then it's money huh..

When hundreds of people are starving in the poor and rich countries.

People who find it hard to meet their ends meet.
People who find it hard to send their children to school.
People who find it hard to pay for their house.

and all the time it is alarming to see that people are spending
$20 million(RS 1000 million or 100 crores)

just to see the blue planet "Earth" from Space.To space walk and what not...

It is time Americans should come to recognize that Life is not all about space walking.
That life is not about flying through Gravity.and drinking cofee in air.
Alas Americans are always known for their floundering with Easy money,the easy green money..

Anoushka Ansari saying about her Tour Spelled the following words and i quote"
"In order to make great leaps in space exploration ... private companies and the government need to work together," .
"You'll see how small and how fragile the Earth is compared to the rest of the universe," she said. "It will give us a better sense of responsibility."Ya Ya..

Time is not far when people will be spending $ 100 million going to Mars,and that is not far enough.

We will be able to see that for sure in our life time...i am Dead sure...


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