Sunday, July 02, 2006

Princple of Indeminity For Sure!!!

Then the Classes for Irda License Started on Wednesday Man to Tell u the Truth they are Hell of Boring ,naaa Intresting ,Very Intresting to Be precise.Man the classes started with an introduction of 3 laws of thermondynamics just bluffing,who is teaching thermodynamics in InsUrance.
The princlple of
1) Indeminity
2)Utmost Faith
3)Don't remember will refer note Book and tell u later Hehehe......

The classes where taken by one Mr.Chacko Sir,Intresting dude for his age.Then i think he is an engineer because he shows the logicality and endurality of a engineer.Then man he stressed on one thing that an
1) Insurance advisor should always be sincere towards his job
2)Insurance AdvisoR must keep away from always leading his client from the path of wrong doing
3) Insurance Advisorshould make sure that insurance he seels to him is always, in the best intrestes of the company that is Tata-Aig,or BajaJ AllianZ in the case of me and LIC in the case of somebody else.

Man one thing for sure,as young Man we all have preconcieved notions about everything thats

1) That VEEraPaN is the gratest living smuggler in the world,never heard of somebody like VaSCo De Gamma not Ammuma..
2) That Vellupilai Parabakaran is the greatest ever terrorist to have lived upon this earth never heard of some lIke OsAMa BIN LAdenn..
3) That Insurance is the worst thing to Sell apart from Cow Dung of Course..
4) That LiFe Sucks When u SeLL and What Not@@!

Man the life of Top Selling Agent is Top of The Class if u dont Know,

GooD Foood ,Good Girls As PA's ,Good Boss When u are selling and The Worst when u are Choriyan Kutti ErEkaLLas!!!

Ok intresting man U have
to See more to Know more
to Know more u have to FEEl more
to FEEl more u have to Sell More

And thats the last thing in marketing ,Inshall Allah all the rubbish i have told till now
if u believed then man there is no place for u in this earth.Go HanG Urself !! Subhan Allah!!!


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