Friday, August 11, 2006

The Accidents,how they happen!!

When u think about accidents the first thing,that comes to ur mind is the sudden rush of traffic. Yes accidents do happen when there is hearvy rush of traffic,when there are more vehicles than they road can carry.When the vehicles are moving so fast that it is impossible to control their movement.But i recently met with an accident and that was not when there was any traffic,but when i was myself not concentrating on what was happeneing.A sudden change of gear,a inclination to have a smoke resulted in the tragedy.

The first thing i noticed was the vehicle was moving on the top of some mud,that was wet with rain that had fallen some time back.The vehicle slithered on the mud making it impossible for me to control the vehicle.In the mad rush to make it not fall into the gorge i vehmently revolved my vehicles power steering which resulted in "it" crashing on to a Bolero,that was parked on the road.Man i was luckythat no body in the vehicle was hurt.

Alas the front right side of my vehicle was damaged completely and still in the garage for rejunveation. I was lucky again to have got through the accident without as much as a scrach on my forehead.